Oct. 31/Nov. 1: Orazani on Ethics (Committees) and Research on Resistance in Repressive Contexts: A Dilemmas Discussion
Join us online on Oct. 31st (17.00 Eastern Standard Time)! In our next public session in the meeting series on the Psychology of Resistance in Repressive and Violent Contexts, Dr. Nima Orazani (Carleton University) will lead a 90-minute discussion on the topic of ethics in research on resistance in repressive contexts. We will discuss: What are the implications of having mostly WEIRD people in our ethics committees for conducting research in repressive contexts? Do ethics committee members only take ethical consideration into account when reviewing proposed research to be conducted in a repressive context? How can we address these issues? And, what are the ethical issues in research on resistance that may be overlooked by traditional ethics committees or even created by their requirements? You can register for this session here: https://tinyurl.com/yckp97xj